It’s easy to be humble when you’re wrong!

Hip hip hooray for being humble today! Oops, let’s try that again. Hip Hip Hooray for International Sauvignon Day! Now you’re really confused and who can blame you! Let me explain. Today is, in fact, International Sauvignon Blanc Day. While not nearly as exciting as the Kentucky Derby, or as enthralling as the King’s Coronation, it’s a day I’d celebrate any time of year. Especially with the wine I’m about to share with you!

So now for the part about being humble. And this one is all about the wine. My husband and I popped into one of our favorite local haunts this week and our somm immediately asked if he could try something out on me. Duh! I’m always game for a new wine introduction! A few moments later I had a glass of lemony limey colored liquid swirling before my eyes. The color was pale and all clues led me to say “it’s young.”

My favorite part of wine drinking came next, the smell. Sticking my nose deep in the glass my eyes lit up and “herbs” came blurting out of my mouth. But not any herbs, minty? Eucalyptus? Hmmmm….. Fruit aromas were subtle with hints of citrus and pear. Hmmmm…. The minty, herbally strangeness was throwing me. Old world it had to be as it was so subtle. Hmmmm…

Are we getting to the humble part yet?

Dude, you’ve smelled it long enough said the look in my husband’s eyes. Fine, let’s get to it. Sip I did. Swirl I did. Savor I did. And wow, just wow. Immediately I was a fan! The soft fruits I smelled opened into a juicy sensation. Acidity made my mouth pucker and my lips smile. But the herbal notes remained and a minerality popped into play. Again, when am I finally going to get to the humble part?

After a few sips, my somm friend was at the end of his patience and demanded “so what is it?”!!! Mind racing, palms sweating and in my head I had a thought, but was afraid to say it. So I blurted out “Old World. I just can’t pinpoint it so I’ll go with France, Sammir”. And I knew I was wrong. So what was my initial thought? Doesn’t matter after I spit out my guess, but DARNED THE LUCK, my initial guess was SAUVIGNON BLANC! And guess what it was? Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc! DAMMIT!

Five Vintner’s Admiral’s Vineyard 2021 Sauvignon Blanc

To be more specific, Five Vintners Admiral’s Vineyard Sauv Blanc 2021. I hung my head and admitted my failure to even get the right region. I was wrong and I had to dig deep to find my humility and be humble. I was wrong. But I still came out the winner as we snagged a bottle of the amazing juice for our dinner and another 3 to take home! Sometimes it’s hard to be humble when the wine goes home with you anyway!



#internationalsauvignonblancday #ilovewine #sauvignonblanc #napavalley #whitewine #tastewine

About Author


Wine nerd and educator. Breaking down the formality of all things wine into entertaining tomes and diatribes. Join my blog and I’ll take you on my wine-loving journey!