Your Next Favorite Wine – How To Find It, Track It, and Why It Matters

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Ready to find your favorite wine? In this episode of Everyday Sommelier, Kristi Mayfield explores the journey to discovering your wine style and the importance of tracking your preferences.

Together, we’ll demystify the daunting question, “What’s your favorite wine?” Want the good news? There’s no incorrect response when it comes to personal taste.

We’ll breaks down the key elements—sugar, acidity, tannin, alcohol, and body (SATAB)—to help you and your fellow wine enthusiasts pinpoint your unique preferences.

And now that you’re confident in your favorite wine, you’ll get the tips and tricks you need to track your wine journey so you can get the perfect bottle every time.

By the time you finish listening, you’ll discover:

  • How to confidently identify and articulate your preferred wine styles.
  • Innovative tips for keeping track of your wine discoveries using simple phone features.
  • The empowerment that comes from embracing and sharing your wine choices without fear of judgment.
  • Practical advice for tracking your favorite wine and bottle selections with ease.

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Imagine we’re getting together to chat over a glass of wine tonight. Well, our conversation is likely going to start out with one of us asking, hey, what’s your favorite wine? And that’s fair enough. We’re just getting to know each other, and we haven’t decided yet whether we’re going to share a bottle or order different wines by the glass. So it’s totally logical for us to be curious and to simply ask. Now, I don’t want you to be offended if I either answer back with the same question or what’s your favorite wine? Without sharing mine, or if I don’t have a real answer at all. And it’s not that I’m trying to be rude and not answer you. It’s simply, I really don’t have a favorite wine. I actually have tons of wines and wine styles that I prefer over others, but since I’m the eternal student of wine, I really have trouble narrowing it down to a single bottle….

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