Dailyish Confessional: Wine tastings. Oh how I dig wine tastings. They are magical events with table after table of unctuous …
¡Salud! Santé! There’s no fear in cheer!
Dailyish Confessional: Clinking wine glasses whether you say Cheers!, ¡Salud!, Cin Cin! or any other salutation should be a celebratory …
100 Episodes of My So Called Fabulous and counting!!!
Today is the day! I’m so excited to announce my DOMSOM partner in crime, Charisse Henry, and I are the …
Wine competitions are a sport, right?
We’ve all heard of wine competitions right? In one of my earliest Weekly Blogs, I shared a secret confession with …
I like big books and I cannot lie…
Words here, words, there, words words everywhere! Weird as it may sound, I am a huge fan of new words …
So you think you know about wine now do you?
Fake it ‘til you make it baby! Elementary School graduate. Check. Middle School graduate. Check. High School graduate. Check. College graduate. Check. Graduate School graduate. Check. 18+ years of education. Wow. I …
Me, a podcast guest, no way!
Daily Confessional: I must confess I am not an expert at social media and I cringe when hearing my voice …
Where did we leave off?… Oh right, with me confessing my freakishly insane love for wine. Got it. I know you’re all …