Fjord Vineyards Hudson Valley

My own virtual launch party!

Let’s start from the beginning…

Hello God, it’s me Kristi and I have a confession to make. Here we go…. I swore I would never write a blog.  Instead of asking for your forgiveness, I will instead ask for your patience, encouragement and hopefully your enthusiasm as I start my journey into blog-dom.  This, my friends, is my very own brand launch. I am now KristiWineNerd!

Fjord Vineyards Hudson Valley
Hudson Valley wine tasting

Why stop there, let me just reach a bit deeper and admit I have yet another confession I need to throw out into the universe.  I love wine.  No, not just drinking wine, but all things wine.  The ground it grows in, the shape the vines are trained in, the harvest, the crush, the press, the yeast, the tanks and barrels, the patience for fermentation and aging, the bottling and most of all the popping of the cork with friends and family to share the unctuous, divine and intoxicatingly (yes, I meant the pun but do not encourage over-indulging!) diverse world of wine.  So, one might ask, what the heck am I going to do about this obsession?

Turn back the clock and join me on New Year’s Day 2019.  Finding myself starry eyed and full of excitement for a new year and new start, I decided to join the rest of the world and commit to a New Year’s resolution.  Never having fallen prey to the allure (or punishment of failing by January 3), I thought long and hard about what I wanted to accomplish in 2019.  A new workout routine – nope, I’m not a fan of forced exercise.  A new language – I’m truly horrible at learning them so nope, not this one either.  The one thing I kept coming back to was wine.  Still detoxing from NYE, opening a bottle was not in the cards that morning, but maybe there was something to this thread.  After a bit of research I had found my resolution!  I was going to pursue a certification in wine!  Yes, that’s it!

And so, my journey in Blogdom begins…

My wine journey prior to January 2019 consisted of multiple trips to wine regions, numerous wine tastings, subscriptions to a few food and wine magazines and frequent visits around the corner to our neighborhood wine shop.  Binge shopping for wine books ensued with fervor – every city I visited, every book store I passed, every online shop I found became a resource for a slew of the best resources available to me.  Nose in book, book in bed, book on plane, book with wine stains and knots in shoulders due to slouching over books every free moment I could find.  But books were not going to earn me the elusive wine certification I had committed to with my New Year’s resolution.

Months passed and a friend finally challenged me as to why I hadn’t signed up for a single course – with no real ability to answer the question, I immediately popped online and filled out the registration form.  HOLY CRAP!  Waitlisted! Now I was mad and had only myself to blame.  Not being one to take no for an answer (I’m a business development professional during normal working hours), I quickly drafted a pleading email and low and behold, the next day I GOT IN!  Insanity set in and I studied even harder, took the course and passed – I was now a certificate holding wine nerd!  Yay me! 

So what’s next one might ask? 

Better yet, you should be asking yourself “so what?”  What does this have to do with me.  It wouldn’t be prudent of me to tell my entire story in one blog!  You’re just going to have to wait a week or so until my next release!.  My brand launch will take weeks, months, maybe years! You, however, have the ability to reach deep down and ask yourself what ‘s holding you back from pursuing your mad passion?  Be it your 2022 New Year’s resolution or simply to release to the universe your own personal confession, allow yourself the opportunity to pursue something you’ve let simmer for too long.  GO FOR IT!  

If you, like me, need to confess your own passion for wine, stay tuned and we’ll explore every facet of our wine obsession together!  My journey has led me to my passion which is wine education – not the formal, stuffy, tuxedo and bow tie kind of wine education.  No, not me!  Wine is fun, not scary!  Everyone can have great experiences exploring and even talking about wine – you too can become a wine nerd.  You too, can have your own brand launch! Join me on this crazy wine journey.  Until next time…

PLEASE NOTE: KristiWineNerd was originally Getting Our DOMSOM! Check out my rebrand post! #gettingourdomsom

About Author


Wine nerd and educator. Breaking down the formality of all things wine into entertaining tomes and diatribes. Join my blog and I’ll take you on my wine-loving journey!