A Rhythm. A Rhyme.

Daily Confessional: Most days, my right brain and my left brain are in a constant tug of war. Logic be damned! Stop the creative juices from flowing. It’s really a hot mess, but keeps me totally entertained. Ask my husband or friends, they’ll tell you I often burst out laughing for no apparent reason, but little do they know it’s the crazy brain wreaking havoc in my head again. Yes, I keep myself thoroughly entertained mostly at my own expense.

So what the heck does that have to do with confessions? I thought you’d ask. I confess one of the outputs of my brain’s constant chatter is silly, stupid, often ludicrous rhymes. You heard me right – Rhymes! Not one to let you down, here’s one that popped into my head when reading about Cali’s rebound from phylloxera. Enjoy!!

Phylloxera is bad.
And what it did is sad.
But they took note,
and made the most
by planting the right grapes instead!

Don’t say I didn’t warn you! Welcome to my brain!

About Author


Wine nerd and educator. Breaking down the formality of all things wine into entertaining tomes and diatribes. Join my blog and I’ll take you on my wine-loving journey!